Infografik: 8 Content Marketing Trends für 2015

Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich als Reaktion auf ein Videointerview mit Amir Kassaei ein wenig über Content Marketing geschrieben, gerade eben erst den Artikel von Thomas Knüwer über Content Marketing gelesen.

Es ist zur Zeit eines der wichtigsten und leider auch oft falsch verstandenen Buzzwords im Marketing.

In der folgenden, gerade gefundenen Infografik listet die Agentur CJG Digitalmarketing 8 Content Marketing Trends für 2015 auf.

Die drei kommerziell wichtigsten Trends in 2015: Content Marketing, Big Data and Marketing Automation, noch vor Mobile Marketing. Andere kommerziell wichtige digitale Marketing Aktivitäten, wie z.B. Paid Search, SEO oder Social Media Marketing sind vermutlich einfach schon zu sehr „Tagesgeschäft“ als dass sie als „Trend“ gelten können.

Die 8 Content Marketing Trends im Überblick:

  • Content Marketing wird persönlicher und zielgerichteter ausgespielt werden.
  • Paid Placements werden zunehmend Teil von Content Marketing Maßnahmen (e.g. Native Advertising).
  • Marketing Automation Tools werden zunehmend im Content Marketing genutzt werden.
  • Unternehmen werden immer mehr auf professionelle Redakteure für die Content Erstellung setzen.
  • Content Distribution wird wichtig.
  • Content Marketing und Social Media Marketing rücken näher zusammen.
  • Mobile Marketing wird Content Marketing noch stärker pushen.
  • Visual Storytelling wird eine Schlüsseldisziplin im Content Marketing.


Hier ist die gesamte Infografik:






The ROI of Social Media – an Infographic

Today seems to be infographic day, I apologize in advance. But I couldn’t resist the following one about ROI.

The ROI of social media is still the holy grail. But MDGadvertising has produced an infographic, in which summarises many facts and approaches of the industry on how to get closer to a relevant ROI score. Facts like:

  • Current status of social media marketing in the mix
  • Metrics used by CMOs to measure social media marketing activities
  • Estimated ROI of various marketing activities / platforms
  • Key objectives of social media marketing
  • and many more.

Take a look:



The new Social Media Revolution Video.

Erik Qualman just released a „refresh“ of the socialnomics video published a few months ago. Since the numbers in social media developments are so quickly evolving, this refresh seems about time.

If you just want to see the numbers and stats, you can visit Eriks blogpost here. If you’re from outside the US, chances are that you might not be able to see the youtube-video due to music rights regulations in Europe.

(Note to Erik: Next time also publish a video without the music, which is the only reason for Youtube blocking the video).

Here is the video embedded from vimeo:

Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) from Erik Qualman on Vimeo.

So, what did I miss?

After 3 weeks of vacation, I am slowly digging through my RSS Feeds to catch up with whatever happened during my absence. Here are a few links of stuff I dugg up:

  • A new study with 1,500 consumers shows the influence of social media participation on buying intent: „over 50% of Facebook fans and Twitter followers say they are more likely to buy, recommend than before they were engaged.“
  • Will it blend? Of course the iPad also blends: (and you can fold it, too, apparently). Tom Dickson of BlendTec is at it again. It hurts, to watch that!
  • John Bell offers an interesting definition of community manager vs conversations manager.
  • Google goes from „fan“ to „like“. I don’t like this. The reasoning: users click on „i like“ more often than „become a fan“. Of course they do. My opinion: once Facebook changes that, users will click on „i like“ less often, because of the fear of too strong committment.
  • Trying to plan the next social media campaign? Let the social media planner help you.

I am sure that there is lots more, the arrival of the iPad and all the craze about it, for example. Or the hundreds of other news items about facebook, twitter and/or foursquare, that are surely still waiting for me in my RSS reader, but I am very much tempted to just press „mark all read“…